An In-depth Look
Financial Profile of Low Income Households
Originally Published: April, 2019 | By: OPTA, LIFT-LA, LOCFF | Categories: Finances, Data & Research |
Opportunity to Assets (OPTA) is a social microenterprise based in Los Angeles. In 2015, OPTA partnered with LIFT-Los Angeles (LIFT) to offer training on its data-assisted financial coaching platform. The following report summarizes some of the key findings from data analysis based on a sample of 51 LIFT clients who were enrolled in the program before 12/31/2015.
“A key barometer of success for the financial coaching program at LIFT is the ability to increase savings rates and household assets by focusing on opportunities to increase income through self-employment, complementing financial coaching with targeted financial education workshops and designing a meaningful incentivized savings program that better fits the needs of low-income clients.”